The latest iteration of the Razer Low-Cost Precision Guided Munition (LCPGM) has been successfully flight…
DEADLINE ALERT: UAV to submarine communications grant workshop
The Sydney-based Defence Innovation network (DIN) is inviting academics, defence scientists and industry representatives working in the Intelligence, Surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and related areas to a Workshop related to a $500,000 grant. The focus of the topic will be AV to submarine communications.
Registration closes at 12 PM on 25 July 2023.
The workshop aims to develop a problem statement that will form the base of the call for proposals through DIN’s Strategic Investment Initiative (SII). The workshop will be held at 1430-1630 on Thursday 27 July at a location to be announced.
The Initiative will provide $500,000 for a multi-disciplinary team to develop a TRL 4-6 prototype within 18 months.
Areas of Interest
- ISR Communication
- Sensing Capabilities & Digital Technologies
- Sonar, signal cleaning and processing
- Antenna design
- Algorithms
Registration closes at 12 PM on 25 July 2023.