The latest iteration of the Razer Low-Cost Precision Guided Munition (LCPGM) has been successfully flight…
Defence appoints Aurecon as inaugural GWEO Enterprise Partner
The Australian Department of Defence has appointed Australian engineering company Aurecon as the inaugural Guided Weapons Explosive Ordnance (GWEO) Enterprise Partner.
In a LinkedIn post, Damon Howes, the company’s managing director Defence and National Security said, “This partnership has been, and will continue to be, exemplified by collaboration to achieve the GWEO Enterprise Objectives across the short, medium and long term planning horizons.
“To achieve these objectives, the partnership will initially focus on establishing the Enterprise, supporting the definition of requirements and developing a range of options for consideration by Defence. “
Aurecon will initially have a focus on Enterprise infrastructure, including options and integration into the Defence Estate, as well as related capabilities such as storage and distribution, asset management, and test and evaluation, he added. “It is a crucial time for Australia, Defence and our industry, and the underlying motivation to accelerate progress is paramount.”
The company has issued a call for expressions of interest to individuals and other entities to participate in the company’s GWEO work: responses to:
“We seek like-minded companies and individuals to reach out. We can’t do this all by ourselves and nor do we wish to: our focus is on the outcome,” he said.