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Cirrus RTPS delivers TACEW system
Sydney-based SME Cirrus Real Time Processing Systems, Australia’s leading mission training system developer, has delivered the latest variant of the RAN’s Tactical Electronic Warfare (TACEW) system. It has also won two additional RAN contracts, to support and to extend the system
The TACEW training system was developed by Cirrus in collaboration with RAN EW instructors to provide end to end simulation of modern naval EW suites within a tactically immersive synthetic environment. TACEW incorporates an Integrated Learning Management System (ILMS) that by managing training data and administrative functions, enables instructors’ time to focus on knowledge transfer.
“The TACEW System has been used successfully since 2019 for training the RAN’s Electronic Warfare (EW) personnel from its Major Fleet Units (MFU’s),” said Cirrus’s Managing Director Peter Freed. “I am very pleased to announce that this now extends to EW training of RAN submarine personnel with the installation of a TACEW system at the RAN Submarine Training Systems Centre (STSC) at HMAS Stirling in WA, which was ordered under a previously announced contract.”
“I am also pleased to announce two related contract awards, with the first being for provision by Cirrus of ongoing engineering services in support of this latest TACEW installation at STSC,” Freed added. “Under the second contract award, Cirrus will supply STSC an additional TACEW trainee workstation and integrate it to the Collins Submarine Multi-Mission Tactical Trainer (SMMTT). This will enable EW training to occur as an integral part of Collins command team training.”
These contracts further demonstrate that a sovereign industry capability in the development of mission training systems to support the ADF is more than an aspiration, it is an established reality, he said